Boss PN-2 - Panning Tremolo

Boss PN-2 - Panning Tremolo

The Boss PN-2 preceded the TR-2. It was probably way ahead of it's time.

The PN-2 sports 2 modes for panning. One with a triangle wave and one with a square wave. You also get triangle and square modes in mono.

As we can see below, the wave shapes differ from those on the Boss TR-2. Where the TR-2 has an off center Triangle wave form, this pedal is much more symmetrical, with a sharp rise and fall. 

The square wave on this pedal is more equally proportioned regarding on/off time than the TR-2 as well. There is no difference in wave shape when using the stereo modes.

Triangle Wave Form At Various Depth Settings

Square Wave Form At Various Depth Settings

Stereo Triangle Wave Form At Various Depth Settings

Stereo Square Wave Form At Various Depth Settings 

Slowest Speed: 1482ms/cycle
Fastest Speed: 

It was discontinued shortly after its release.

This is a great little pedal to dabble in the world of stereo tremolo, but at the price point it fetches there is some stiff competition in the field.

The below video was recorded in stereo, so make sure you listen to it in stereo.

